Sunday, August 23, 2015

Toddler Theme: Mail

This week, we learned about Mail.  It's a fun and simple theme week along the same lines as the Markets week.  These types of weeks are good for introducing some of the world's systems to young kids.  Library week is another possible week that just popped in my head.  Hmmmmm...  Like I was saying, though, these weeks open the door to lots of pretend play.  We did a little of that this week after we made our own trip to the post office.  I'm old fashioned and really, really (really!) like sending mail so we end up at the post office weekly.  They know us there and our favorite mail carrier gave us a fun mail coloring book.  Maybe you could ask for one at your post office.  While Mia worked on her new book, I created a mail-themed sensory bin for Millie using bubble wrap and pieces of sticky packing tape.  I'd be lying if I said that the bubble wrap was solely enjoyed by Millie, though.  We all got in a few snaps.  Another easy activity is a mailbox scavenger hunt.  Since we live in a high rise, all Mia knows about mail boxes involves large mail rooms with rows & rows of locked boxes.  This week, we set out to identify different kids of mailboxes across Denver.  Here's one we found that is outside of the building.  We ran across some that are boxes right at the street's edge.  And get this, we found some doors with mail slots in them!  

You can't have mail week without sending some mail so we wrote a letter to a pen pal.  Last year, I created a Flat Mia (based on the book Flat Stanley) using Bitstrips to make this little cartoon Mia character.  Once it was laminated, we sent it out across the country to visit friends and family.  They took pictures of Flat Mia on adventures and reported all the fun to us.  It's amazing how long her journey was but she finally made her way back home to us and we're preparing to send her out on a second journey.  If you are interested in being a host family, let me know via the comments or email! We're hoping that one day she will visit all of the states.  She's got 10 under her belt now.

Our art project this week was simple.  We made more artwork note cards similar to the ones we made during Manners week.  Get the full instructions in that post.  We were overdue for a stash replenishment, so I might start doing this quarterly.

Here's a little Mail week-related Mom Bonus for you.  Have you ever wanted to make your own font?  Well you can pretty easily and it's free!  Here's just one I've created.  So addicting!  Go to My Script Font and try it out for yourself.

A summary of all Mail week activities with links:

ACTIVITIES: Mailed out a letter to a pen pal, Sent our Flat Mia out on a cross-country adventure

ART PROJECTS: Made note cards with kid art

OUTINGS: Went to the post office to send out packages and buy fun stamps, Did a mailbox scavenger hunt

BOOKS: The Jolly Postman by Janey & Allan Ahlberg, Flat Stanley by Jeff Brown, Dear Zoo by Rod Campbell

BIBLE STORY: The 12 apostles spreading the good news about Jesus

BABY BONUS: Sensory play with bubble wrap and sticky tape

MOM BONUS: Created my own handwriting font (try it yourself here)

If you'd like to share a photo of your kid doing theme week activities, you can email it to me (email button in the left menu) or tag me on your Facebook photo or use the hashtag #weeklytoddlerthemes on Instagram (if you are private, just make sure I'm following you or tag me in the photo).

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